Author: Harper Lee Title: Go Set a Watchman Genre: Literary Fiction, Historical Publication Date: July 14th. 2015 Number of Pages: 278 Geographical Setting: Maycomb, Alabama Time Period: mid 1950's Series (If applicable) : Sequel to "To Kill a Mockingbird" Plot Summary: Twenty years later since the events of "To Kill a Mockingbir" Jean Louise "Scout" Finch is visiting her ailing father and family, from her new home in New York. Set in the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement, Jean Louise starts to see how her family and her community she grew up in has changed against her own views. Jean Louise starts to see people she's cared about change in ways that are controversial to what she's known and begins to see things she never thought she would. Memories of her childhood resurface, and values are thrown into the turmoil of doubt. Go Set a Watchman captures a young woman in a world in a painful, but necessary transition out of childho...