*Disclaimer, this post may get very passionate at various times. A soap box might be required. When it comes to books in general, as a librarian I take appreciation for all books. Now that is appreciation which is defined as "recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something" (Webster Dictionary, 2023). With that being said, does this mean I think every book in my library is something enjoyable? For me as an individual that is an obvious no, but for someone else there is a different stance on some books. As an example, I cannot stand Fifty Shades of Grey due to the fact that when it comes to relationships and romance books, this did not appeal to me in the least. Plus, the writing style is not what I would consider to be of merit (as a writer, but that's just me). However, there are many in my work and personal circle who love this book. My point is this, we all have different views of book titles and authors and guess what. . . .THAT IS OKAY! No...